The Future is here
The Energynet is a fractal of smart grids of any scale, from the individual building, to the microgrid, all the way up to the national grid. These smart grids transact in power and compensate for local or wider instability.
A novel approach
Energynet uses transactive energy to drive the behavior inside each microgrid and across microgrids. Buildings can trade with each other inside a microgrid and microgrids can trade with each other or with the utility.
The Energynet uses real-time price signals to manage supply and demand as opposed to central control. Energynet uses future trading for planning purposes.
All of the above allows Energynet to compensate for the intermittent nature of alternative energy sources. National Grids integrate clean energy sources and storage from the bottom up, which enables deploying intermittent clean energy at scale.
Each level of the fractal can work independently or in collaboration with other levels. The Energynet achieves resiliency through mutually supportive islands of stability, even when the wider grid experiences stress or disruption.
In the aggregate these islands of stability in turn help to stabilize the wider grid.
System Highlights
Pluggable and customizable workflows at every level with a rich library of default behaviors
Simulators for hardware such as storage, generation and load
Quickly model the target environment for planning and testing before commitment of capital and time
Supports the grid, will never be a liability on the grid
Ground breaking secure and reliable communication
Open interfaces and protocols
Pluggable trading and exchange platforms
National standards